
Band Bio

The first ideas for Kaltfront emerged in the Winter of 2016 / 2017 in the "Ostalb" region of southern Germany. After years of unproductive engagements in bands, band founder Othila decided to start with all instrumental recordings on his own.

For a short period around September 2017, Kaltfront was joined by T. on vocals, formerly part of the southern german black metal band Creature. The version of "A World in Grey" recorded with T. is available for listening on this website exclusively.

At last KALTFRONT joined forces with singer B. in November 2017 so that the first E.P. could be finished and first released by the band on CD in January 2018, soon followed by cassette released from the Polish Label Lower Silesian Stronghold

During 2018 the first full length album "Feuernacht" was recorded and finally released in June 2019 by Christhunt Productions.

Besides Kaltfront, Othila joined Unholy War on bass in mid 2018.






Feuernacht Album released

Our debut album "Feuernacht" has now been released by the German label Christhunt Productions.

Order here:


Feuernacht Album finished & soon to be released

After the recordings we now have also finished artwork for our first full album and are preparing for the release, presumably on a long-standing german label we're in contact with.
With 8 overlong tracks, the album offers a playing time of about 54min. Recording an Mixing were done by ourselves, completed with Mastering by Danijel Zambo. This time we decided to use mainly our German mother tongue for the lyrics, which were contributed by both band members.

Track List:

  1. Feuernacht
  2. Isa
  3. Kerker
  4. Ephemereal
  5. Stahlkatharsis
  6. Algiz
  7. Nichtort
  8. Donar